Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
Facial Acupuncture; Relax, Rejuvenate & Revive Whole Body Through Face.
Service Description
Facial Acupuncture is a non-invasive treatment which can help diminish the signs of aging, promote skin vitality, improve your overall health, calm your mind, alleviate your stress, uplift your mood and in case of hormonal imbalance address the root cause of the problem/s. Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture is for any age, resolving your external concerns by addressing your internal issues. Health is beautiful. Beauty and health are so interrelated that you cannot address the beauty of a person without looking into their health holistically. So, the irregularities on your face, is the manifestation of your inner imbalance, and your general health and lifestyle factors determine your external beauty and the speed of your aging process. Benefits of Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture: • Improve circulation of the face, nourishing tissues, promote healing and help tissues detox. • Brighten and smooth complexion, address areas of discolouration/damage. • Improve lymphatic circulation and drainage to help reduce puffiness and tighten the pores. • Promote collagen production and new tissue formation. • Reduce fine lines and help preserve elasticity of skin. • Lift and tone muscles, tone the skin. • Induce positive systemic effect such as relaxation, stress reduction, balance hormones, improve digestion. Acupuncture activates your innate healing capacity by stimulating special points to your internal river of vital force (Qi), and the goal of cosmetic facial acupuncture is to use your body’s own resources to improve face complexion naturally. Protocol: The first session is a 75 min consultation and first treatment, followed by 8-12 follow up sessions of 45 min. The number of sessions for an optimal result is at least 10-12 sessions. You will start noticing the improvement in 4-6 weeks after starting the Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture. The ideal plan is twice a week, but it is adjustable to once a week, not later than this. Come for the treatment without any makeup and as clean as possible. However, we have our own safe needle protocol, and we clean the area of needling. The needles used for face are thinner than body. Anyway, the acupuncture needle is fine needle. Side effects: Acupuncture is safe and usually does not have major side effects. The only common side effect is bruising in the site of needle that will disappear in 2-3 days. It is an outpatient treatment and no down time. So, you can get back to your activities right after the treatment.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule we need you to contact 48 hours in advance. Late Cancelatation or no-show costs you price of the whole session. Thank you!
Contact Details
4 King Street Crescent, Toronto, ON, Canada